Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I found this site rather interesting. Check it out.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Search Mash

Google has created a search site without any Google branding to test
new features. The site, SearchMash, has a simple blue and white
interface with a search bar and an option to click on "popular
searches." Once keywords are entered, the results page features links
to results running down the left side of the page and the top three
image results on the right side.

SearchMash also lets you click on a result and drag and drop it to
change the order. Also, when the green link is clicked on, the user is
offered the option of opening the listings in the current window or a
new window, seeing more pages from the Web site or finding similar
pages. Additional results are added to the bottom of the original
results page by clicking on a "more web pages" link.

With SearchMash, Google "plans to test user interface ideas without
Google's brand somehow skewing the tests," .

Take a look at www.searchmash.com

You could also try the flash version of the site at www.searchmash.com/flash
It is mind blowing to say the least

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Top Ten Weird Dismissals Of Cricket!!

This video is absolutely insane.

Misbah - The Unbelievable

I cant imagine some one getting run out like this.